Michał Szcząchor Gravity and Supergravity as a BF theory of MacDowell-Mansouri type 27 October 2015 r. at 12:00, room 422 Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman – UWr Opponents: prof…. Czytaj dalej“PhD Defence of Michał Szcząchor”
Category: PhD
PhD defence of Daniel Zabłocki
Daniel Zabłocki Meson and diquark correlations in a chiral model for normal and color superconducting quark matter March 13, 2015, at 11:15, room 422 Supervisor: prof. dr hab. David Blaschke… Czytaj dalej“PhD defence of Daniel Zabłocki”
PhD defence of Tomasz Golan
mgr Tomasz Golan Modeling nuclear effects in NuWro Monte Carlo neutrino event generator 7 Nov.2014, 12:15, room 422 supervisor: prof. Jan Sobczyk Abstact: The main goal of the PhD thesis… Czytaj dalej“PhD defence of Tomasz Golan”